Radcliffe High School



Radcliffe High School is committed to keeping parents and students connected with the latest resources and information needed to support education and lifelong success.

Information and forms are provided to help parents and students locate prominent information needed with easy access. Visit our resource pages or contact our front office at (502) 555-1212 if you are unable to find what is needed.


Your student's attendance is a crucial factor in his/her success at Radcliffe High School. One of our top priorities this year is supporting all students in developing regular attendance. If a student is struggling with attendance and/or has unexcused absences, we will integrate supports to change that behavior. In order to be successful, we need everyone's buy-in and a process to guide it to reality. Parents, teachers, students and administration all have a significant role in building a culture of the importance of attending school. Our staff and administration are focused on their role.


Being on time to class is very important at Radcliffe High School. It is our expectation that students enter the classroom before the start of class or they will be marked "Tardy". When a student has been late to a single class more than three times the teacher may have a conversation with the student, and that student may be referred to the assistant principal for a conversation.